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Geo-filter IP?


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I've looked around on the dumaOS but i cannot find the answer.   If I geo-filter a 750km bubble in the midwest, but I want to allow a friend to play w/ me on east coast (im east coast too) and they have a regular connection, how do I do this?

Is there a section to add IP's to a whitelist so that they can join me in the bubble?    Im new at this so help would be appreciated.  thanks

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I could be wrong, but I believe its because you are on console and simply turning the switch off from filtering mode will put you in spectating mode
*Or maybe you have the more updated version than I do and thats why



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The guide is a bit older but that should be the only thing that is different. Toggling filtering mode is as Justin said essentially spectating mode i.e. you can see the servers/pings etc but you're not filtering them.

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