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The qos is buggy needs worked on please


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over all the R2 is the best router on the market runs real good with the 3.0.205 thank you for the work. I have had the xr500, 700, and 1000 from netgear they are all junk btw because of netgears 

quality control when it comes to the updates...The only problem I have ran into is that the auto qos part doesn't work properly when testing on dsl reports and the traffic prioritization for the gaming ports cut on and off when i see the red dots by them. just wanted to let you know other then that thank you for this router I just got it last week :) 

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  On 3/7/2021 at 10:33 PM, CypherzZ-_- said:

i have set all the udp ports and tcp ports for traffic prio but the red light on the ports keep flashing is that normal?


By all ports do you mean:

Source 1-65535
Destination 1-65535
Protocol TCP/UDP

What device is this for a console?

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i set tcp 1935, 3478-3480 udp 3074, 3478-3479 and smite ports 9000-9001 tcp , udp 9002-9999 on traffic prio to my ps5 but the light just flashes just like the duma classified games does, red light flashes instead of staying solid is that normal? thats what i need to know to make sure my packets are being prioritized before other devices on my network

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  On 3/13/2021 at 2:44 AM, CypherzZ-_- said:

I have noticed when i turned the duma classified games off the red lights still come on every once awhile is that a bug? even after i turned it off.....


Did you disable it while you were still on the game? It should stop once the connection has been completely severed i.e. when the console is off.

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Can you provide a screenshot please? It's important to disable it once you're off the game, or it will stop once the connection has been severed. So turn off the console for 2 minutes and then it should stop.

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