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Does it appear for the entire interface or specific pages? If the entire interface then reboot the router and it should work. If specific pages then go to the System Information page, click the options menu on the Rapp panel and change the retries to 5 and reboot the router and it should work.

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It shows connected but in call of duty it doesn't change my location. Im using a paid express VPN, they have a windows version and when you change it on their app it does change the location in the game but you lose connection to dumaOS

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Okay i got it to work! I was reading other posts on warzone, did you guys get any news on Monday regarding geo filtering, long wait times to get a lobby, and texas servers? I seem to be dealing with all concerns and i live in Texas, where the server is always on

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  • 3 weeks later...

i followed the steps on which one changes the pc to playstation in device manager and when one tries to flush cloud, it states that its taking longer than expected and to give the repp some time then it seems to cancel out the procedure.

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