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Geo filter not working what so ever

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Yea I reset it three times with the pin hole on back of router and still same thing just connects way outside of radius I even bought xr1000 and same issues even with 3.0 on xr1000

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Kinda feeling like geofilter is just a selling point I've called support for a week and they just send me to the next tech its really not worth issues and money you pay for it the whole reason they pride themselves is because it's a gaming router If anything it's made my gaming experience worse matter of fact unplayable as you can see in the video

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It looks as though you have ping assist enabled in the Geo-Filter Map menu which is why it is connecting outside your radius. Turn this to 0. Turn off the game/console completely for 2 minutes then boot it up and it should adhere to your radius.

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In geo filter option it all comes up nil what is the best settings on geo filter what is the bottom box that is unchecked and should it be checked like I said it all shows nil

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