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Nas rebooting

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It's 2 USB drives through readyshare.

I'm getting drive access errors when creating folders and then the router reboots... But I can navigate through the drives through Explorer as long as I don't create a folder.

Are there advanced permissions I need to set up?


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How are you trying to create the folders exactly - when viewing on explorer or on the USB Storage settings on ReadyShare? If explorer then you need to do so on ReadyShare as you need to give read/write permissions etc to the specific folder.

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Could you please check to see if you have SMB 1.0 enabled in Windows?

Control Panel -> Program -> Turn Windows features on or off -> Expand the SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support option -> Check the SMB 1.0/CIFS Client option.

You'll need to restart after this, see if that works.

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10 hours ago, dopedope said:

I don't see an option to create folders in ready share.

You would do so here:


If you have to do it via explorer then I'd recommend contacting Netgear support directly - as it isn't our feature we're not as well versed as they are regarding this.


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