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XR500 Not working

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My setup

Modem: Netgear NightHawk CM1200

Router: Netgear NightHawk Gaming Router XR500

Today I tried to log into my computer and I had no internet. I reset both the modem and router by unplugging the power and plugging them back in. I tried a different known good ethernet cable from the modem to the router. I also tried to reset the router through the reset port in the back with a paper clip. None of these have worked. I do have internet coming from my ISP. I have my modem directly connected to my pc to do a speed test and it is normal 936Mbps dl and 41Mbps up. 

Is there anything else I could try before I throw in the towel?

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Heres what I would do in your situation.. I have the same router.. When this happens what id do is just power cycle the modem and leave the XR500 powered up..  So if currently you can still log into the XR500 then all I would do is unplug your modem for a few minutes then power the modem back up.. Have the modem connected of course to the router when doing this.. Sometimes I do have to power cycle the modem twice in order for the WAN of the XR500 to take signal from the modem.. when doing this be patient though.. It can take a few minutes for it to connect.. If you dont have it though over 5mins or so I would just power cycle the modem again..

Im not sure how this may respond since you factory reset the router though.. But I would think once you go through the setup wizard of the XR500 you should be fine.. If you havent done that yet proceed to do that first.. If the setup wizard cant detect your connection during setup just power cycle the modem then and let the modem fully boot backup and click retry to establish a connection in the setup wizard of the XR500.. This also may take a few tries..

Hope that works for yah.

Good luck!


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