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Netduma R2 return


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Sorry to hear you're having issues. What are the problems you're facing? Most of the time it is just the case that you need to fine tune settings to get it working optimally and we can help with that. For return/refund information please have a look here: https://netduma.com/terms/

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Yes, I managed to get my extender up. Everything was fine til yesterday. My wifi and ethernet bandwidth seemed to slowly decrease til it reached .45mbs. Shortly after my modem lost total connection the the router. The ethernet light turned red. I switched modems and that did not work. I eventually switched routers and my bandwidth went back up and the modem was able to detect a router again because the red light turned green.

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The router was not hot. I even let it sit unplugged for a few hours after resetting it. Neither of the 2 modems I have could detect the router. The software is amazing but I believe the hardware may need some upgrading in order for it to stand the test of time. My modems just will not recognize the router anymore.

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What is your exact modem model? Does it have WiFi? If so it may be best to give the R2 a static IP on the modem and that should prevent any disconnects. Put that IP in the DMZ and ensure all devices are connected to the R2 and that should restore the speeds.

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I have set my R2 to the side. Please understand how much of a struggle it is to keep my household up and running meanwhile troubleshooting with you. I unplug my R2 after attempting to connect then i plug in my other router because my fiance and daughter have online assignments, I have numerous cameras monitoring my home, and I have smart appliances that turn to bricks with no internet. I am unsure as to what to do. I just have a turning wheel on my pc while attempting to connect to the Dumas dashboard at the moment...

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I totally understand your frustration. Try this please, hold the reset button in the back of the R2 for 30 seconds, release then wait 2 minutes for the router to boot up. See if you can access it then, complete the setup wizard and get an internet connection. If that doesn't work then I believe I know what the issue is but it will require a firmware fix. In the meantime you could connect it to your existing router so you have that backup if needed but I think it would be more stable connected to that.

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Could not detect an internet connection


I updated the firmware to 3.0.179 once I received the router. I needed an internet connection to do so. Not sure on how we will update firmware if my modem won't recognize that router

I read in the terms that I need confirmation that its a technical fault before I can proceed to have it refunded or replaced. I received my product via DHL January 7th but I paid for it December 31st. I have until February 7th to send it back, is this correct?

My Netduma R2 is just sitting on the table after less than 30 days of use. In the terms this is the step that needs to be taken in order to receive an RMA code. My router will not access the internet because it is nolonger recognized by the modem. I used 2 modems and could not get anything to work.

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You could use the old router as you are now to download that and then upgrade via the router. I understand that, I'll do my best to go through some remaining troubleshooting steps and if it doesn't work you can email. On the R2 interface disable IPv6 via WAN and LAN and reboot please. Do you know if you have a static or dynamic public IP?

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Okay great, so now you know you have a static IP you can enter the static information into the R2 WAN Settings and then reboot - then the router always knows what the IP is and should be able to check, did they give you the information needed to do that?

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I checked my ipconfig to get the info for static setup. I typed the information for the subnet mask, ip address, and default gateway in the "Set up wan properties" screen then clicked submit. The wheel has been turning for a few minutes. I will give it some time


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