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Sin Acceso al Netduma R1


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Hola bella gente de Netduma, les escribo para que me ayuden a resolver el problema que se me ha presentado con mi Netduma R1, tengo pocos meses usandolo,  comenzó fallando poco a poco, en ocasiones no me dejaba ingresar a la interface , yo lo apagaba y lo encendia y se resolvia el problema por un tiempo , pero desde hace algunas semanas no me deja entrar a la interface , lo he intentado todo, he leido muchos foros aquí sobre este tema y no he encontrado una solución que me permita resolverlo  por mis propios medios, lo he reiniciado de fabrica a traves del boton Reset y no me deja entrar con la clave y usuario original y tampoco con la personalizada,  puedo ingresar a wifi  la cual le cambio el nombre a NETDUMA R1 navegar sin problemas  con la contraseña  netdumar1, pero no me deja ingresar a la interface a traves de wifi y tampoco via Ethernet, haciendo ping desde CMD me da error les envio capture estare atento a su respuesta , gracias de antemano




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3 hours ago, hpedrozo said:

Hello, good morning, if correct that is my problem, the version is Netduma R1 Current Firmware v.

It's strange that this has suddenly happened. Had you made any recent configuration changes that could've affected this?

What is upstream from the R1 (does it connect to an ISP router)? What is your exact physical setup?

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I attach a new image to you, this time I tried to enter again and you gave me this new message, maybe it will help you identify the problem, I will be attentive to your answer in advance, thank you very much


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after giving OK, it shows what appears in the following image, but none of the options shown in the menu work, and I must reload the page and start the process again, asking for the password and repeating everything again until reaching at this point, I don't have access to the reset options or to install new firmware, nor to the DUMAOS apps


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7 minutes ago, hpedrozo said:

Hello again, I need to know if you have any answer for me, thank you

Can you update firmware by clicking the three dot menu in the top right of the interface?

If you perform a factory reset using the button on the back of the R1, can you then access the interface?

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I have tried, It is not possible to access, it does not give me access to the interface functions, I have restarted several times from the physical button, and nothing was possible. is there any way you can access my Netduma R1 online? or some way to reinstall the firmware via USB port?

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Hold the reset button in the back of the router for 30 seconds then release and wait 2 minutes for it to boot, then clear the cache/cookies on your web browser and try to access using admin / password

Those aren't available options unfortunately. Possibly we can remote in but you would have needed to have remote support enabled and setup for an open NAT.

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What you are telling me is that my Netduma R1 is Broken and that you cannot do anything, because the firmware presented a fault and that I have lost my money? Can't you give me another one to replace it? there is no special discount to buy another?

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46 minutes ago, hpedrozo said:

What you are telling me is that my Netduma R1 is Broken and that you cannot do anything, because the firmware presented a fault and that I have lost my money? Can't you give me another one to replace it? there is no special discount to buy another?

I don't know when you purchased, you may be within the warranty period in which case we can do a replacement. That's why I suggest emailing us as they will be able to provide some options of what to do. I can't authorize a discount for example but they could.

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