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XR500 Constant Disconnections

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XR500 consistently disconnects, sometimes 3 times a day other times once every 3 days but I can never go more than a 4-5 days without a disconnection. Sometimes my fibre box requires a restart to get back online. 

I have tried old firmware and new, netgear support which is like talking to a brick wall and PM'd Netduma Fraser and received no response.

Any suggestions would be awesome as this $350 modem is basically unusable, disappointing doesn't even describe how I feel about this product  :( 

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Sorry to hear you're having this issue. It is generally better to make a topic as you will receive faster responses as I receive too many PMs. It also helps that other users can chime in with potential solutions.

I imagine this is the issue that Netgear are looking into currently. Just while we get some more information, disable QoS entirely from the Anti-Bufferbloat 3 line option menu while we're trying to debug this issue. What is your exact physical setup? i.e. what is the XR connected to, a pure modem (no wifi) or a modem/router (wifi)? Do all devices both wired/wireless disconnect or is it one or the other or specific devices?

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Thanks, I have now disabled QoS entirely.

XR is directly connected to my Fibre NTD connection box. 

All wired connections go offline and WIFI connections say something like "Connected but no internet" I either need to reboot the XR or both XR and Fibre box to regain connection status.

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Great thanks. Do you require PPPoE, VLAN etc to be entered into the XR to connect via the NTD box?

I assume the WAN IP in the System Information page is your public IP?

Do you know if you have a dynamic or static IP with your ISP?

If dynamic, is it possible to contact the ISP and either have them extend the lease to say a week or change your IP to static? I have a feeling either of those options would help with this.

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On 1/6/2021 at 9:25 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

Great thanks. Do you require PPPoE, VLAN etc to be entered into the XR to connect via the NTD box?

I assume the WAN IP in the System Information page is your public IP?

Do you know if you have a dynamic or static IP with your ISP?

If dynamic, is it possible to contact the ISP and either have them extend the lease to say a week or change your IP to static? I have a feeling either of those options would help with this.

After disabling QoS I have still had a drop out. Is there any type of status log I can send you? 

There is no login required for the connection. 

Yes WAN IP is my public IP address

I assume my ISP IP is dynamic but not really sure, I can contact the provider but you just get foreign call centres with unexperienced staff and you often end up getting no where. 





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I can see now you do have a dynamic IP so that could be why it's happening. If you could follow the instructions here: https://community.netgear.com/t5/Nighthawk-Pro-Gaming-Routers/XR500-DHCP-issue/m-p/2023223/highlight/true#M23047 and then provide that information to Tim Chang in a private message there that would be really helpful. He is the XR500 Lead and is actively looking into this issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/9/2021 at 10:05 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

I can see now you do have a dynamic IP so that could be why it's happening. If you could follow the instructions here: https://community.netgear.com/t5/Nighthawk-Pro-Gaming-Routers/XR500-DHCP-issue/m-p/2023223/highlight/true#M23047 and then provide that information to Tim Chang in a private message there that would be really helpful. He is the XR500 Lead and is actively looking into this issue.

I have sent everything off to Tim as requested, anything else I can do in the interim? 

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On 1/18/2021 at 9:49 PM, Netduma Liam said:

Thanks for doing that!

Just out of interest, what version are you currently on?

Firmware version? I am on the latest V2.3.2.66 and have tried various older versions with no change to the issue. 

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On 1/20/2021 at 7:40 PM, Netduma Liam said:

Thanks for letting me know, hopefully Tim is able to find a fix for this issue ASAP.

Still haven't heard back from Tim, can you guys contact him directly? 

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6 hours ago, Access said:

Still haven't heard back from Tim, can you guys contact him directly? 

He likely won't respond directly unless he needs more information, he has been getting a lot of PMs with the required information so they need to go through that all now, identify the issue and then produce a fix. When I have more information I'll let people know.

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On 1/22/2021 at 11:27 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

He likely won't respond directly unless he needs more information, he has been getting a lot of PMs with the required information so they need to go through that all now, identify the issue and then produce a fix. When I have more information I'll let people know.

So he needs to produce an individual fix just for my product? Sounds time consuming.. 

Can you guys send me a different model modem that actually works? As you can imagine using this currently is an absolute nightmare. 

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9 hours ago, Access said:

So he needs to produce an individual fix just for my product? Sounds time consuming.. 

Can you guys send me a different model modem that actually works? As you can imagine using this currently is an absolute nightmare. 

No, not just for you. Other people are experiencing the issue as well so he has received information from quite a few people and working on a fix. You can try this firmware Tim has provided that may help with the issue: https://ntgr-my.sharepoint.com/personal/tichang_netgear_com/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Ftichang_netgear_com%2FDocuments%2FPeojects%2FXR500%2FFirmware%2FTrialFW%2FXR500-V2.3.2.112-DHCP-a.img&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Ftichang_netgear_com%2FDocuments%2FPeojects%2FXR500%2FFirmware%2FTrialFW&originalPath=aHR0cHM6Ly9udGdyLW15LnNoYXJlcG9pbnQuY29tLzp1Oi9nL3BlcnNvbmFsL3RpY2hhbmdfbmV0Z2Vhcl9jb20vRWNlazdTM2ZValpIbUdpMTFzNjByTlFCMWVaVXY1SEhoLW94ZU1waUVIYWNsQT9ydGltZT1XbGp4OUp5XzJFZw

It's not our router hardware so not something we could do.

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On 1/24/2021 at 8:29 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

Cant access that link, below is the error message.

We're sorry can't be found in the ntgr-my.sharepoint.com directory. Please try again later, while we try to automatically fix this for you.

Tim still hasn't responded, using this modem is near impossible with constant disconnections. Netgear warranty just don't respond and as it's not your product so you can't do anything?

Can you please reach out to Netgear and have someone contact me to replace this product with something that actually works?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Since using firmware V2.3.2.112 I have not received any dropouts but I have had to restart the router multiple times due to constant issues with accessing the dashboard where it times out. It also seems really laggy when changing between tabs and freezes repeatedly.

I have also suffered regular poor wifi performance. I have 110 MB fibre connection, wifi speeds range from 70 - 100 MB depending on distance but drop to 2-4 MB randomly. Reset the modem and they go back to normal.

Any suggestions on these issues?  

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10 hours ago, Access said:

Since using firmware V2.3.2.112 I have not received any dropouts but I have had to restart the router multiple times due to constant issues with accessing the dashboard where it times out. It also seems really laggy when changing between tabs and freezes repeatedly.

I have also suffered regular poor wifi performance. I have 110 MB fibre connection, wifi speeds range from 70 - 100 MB depending on distance but drop to 2-4 MB randomly. Reset the modem and they go back to normal.

Any suggestions on these issues?  

Did you perform a factory reset after installing the new firmware? This is recommended to ensure any low-level stuff is cleared.

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