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Xr700 lan port problem

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I’m only receiving internet signal from the wifi, anything connected to the lan ports have no internet connection. What could be wrong? I have tried a router reset from the web interface and from the reset button on the back of the xr700 to no avail. Please help.

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Did you just get this XR700? Has it ever worked on any of the LAN ports?  I must say I find it strange that none of them are working.. Specially if you have done a few factory resets..  When you are connected to a LAN port are you able to connect to the interface of the XR700? Like log into DumaOS on the router?  Hopefully Netduma will be able to give you a few things to try.. Im at a loss on this one..

Good luck!


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Okay thats good news at least it was working.. Give your idea a try.. If not report back here.. Im sure @Netduma Fraser might have some good advice for you.. He should be back on tomorrow..



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