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Bridge mode or PPPoE Passthrough?

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2 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

I would go with bridge mode, either way should work fine.

Can you help me how I will do that? I want to connect via bridge mode. I spoke with my ISP and they told me that from his modem/router I have to connect from the WAN Ethernet port to the XR500 and I will need to setup the XR500...

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15 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

I assume you have PPPoE? In which case you will need to enter that in Settings > Internet Setup once you've bridged it.

Yes I have. I did this but there is no internet connection when I connect on the WAN port. I have only internet connection when I use one of the LAN ports. This that i don’t understand is that why he told me to connect my XR500 on the WAN port... 

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