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Questions about Ping Heatmap


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(Call of Duty Modern Warfare, Xbox One X)
I have a few questions regarding the ping heat map feature on my Netduma R2 (updated to the latest firmaware).
I have noticed some servers give me a great ping so I would ideally single those out in polygon mode and only connect to those.
However, I am from the Netherlands but the best server for me is being displayed as being in the US.
It's IP is: I am not sure how reliable this is, but anyways: https://prnt.sc/vbaxn7

The other server that gives me a great ping seems to be located in northern France, it's IP is: But this one also appears to be in the US https://prnt.sc/vbaz35

Then at last I have one in Germany, when I look this one up the website also says it's from Germany.

So my questions are:

  1. Are these 2 first servers actually as good as they say they are (11-13 ping each)
  2. Are they actually in the USA or is something going on?
  3. If they are as good as they say they are, how can I use the polygon mode (or any other ways) to single it out and only connect to those (at a cost of having longer loading times)

Thank for taking the time to look at this.

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