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The PS4 network adapter is old, especially if you have the original PS4. That's why you hear people saying there is less lag w/ a PS4 Pro because one of the reasons is a new network adapter. This is why I'm excited for next gen consoles;, we can play online games with less lag.


Now for ping, I don't quite understand why it's so different. However, from my experience, you can't estimate the actual delay on the PS4 w/o testing it on the PS4 itself so u must do tests on the ps4 browser or what the game says. 

Also ping is just one way while latency measures the entire trip. So 15 ping could be 30 ms latency theoretically. also some servers downgrade in performance if there are a lot of laggy players.

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FIFA has been the one game over the years where everyone complains of lag where theoretically they shouldn't be, like in your case the ping is quite low. I am pretty confident it is a game/server issue although the above advice could also be true as well.

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