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polygon mode or radius


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The radius is based on distance away from the centre point (your location), this could include servers that you don't necessarily want. Polygon allows you to draw a custom radius so you could literally draw a radius around your country and exclude everything else whereas the radius would have overlapped. I'm in the UK, so I've got a choice of servers in the EU, I know the server in the UK, Germany and Spain is good for example but the French server is terrible, if I was using the radius I would have to cover all those countries and have a 1/4 chance of getting the bad server. With Polygon I can just draw separate areas around the UK, Germany & Spain while blocking France.

Auto Ping shows more statistics such as tick rate etc, it also pings the host automatically so you don't have to. I would always suggest using it unless you really like clicking on the host yourself and receiving less information.

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