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R2 w/ Orbi


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I just received my R2 and need a refresher about using it with my existing setup.  The wifi in my R1 went out a while ago so I added a Netgrear Orbi to cover Wifi.

I know I put them in this order - modem -> R2 -> Orbi but what settings do I need to change to have all of the R2's features maximized?

I searched using the term "access point" but couldn't find exact details. If I missed it, a link would be very helpful.  Thanks!

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I am running the same set up for my wifi coverage. 

What you're going have to do is log into the main Orbi unit (not the satellite). If you don't know it's IP you can try http://orbilogin.com

Log in with credentials, usually admin/admin or admin/password then go to the advanced tab > Advanced Set up > Router / AP mode and set it to AP Mode.



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  • 1 year later...

Sorry to bump an old topic but I had to switch out modems. The new one is an SBG10 Surfboard and it has a router built in.

What's the best way to setup this router with the Orbi and R2 now?  Turn off DHCP on router? Bridge mode?


Any help is appreciated. TIA.

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I'm having an issue now accessing some streaming services.  I'm using the R2 (3.0.394), the SBG10 and the Orbi.  When I'm on wifi via my phone or ChromecastTV, I can't access Disney+ or HBO Max. I can access Netflix, Youtube, and Hulu.  If I turn off my wifi on the phone, Disney+ and HBO Max work without any issues.

Using the Orbi previously with the Xfinity Gateway that I just replaced, I could access them without any issues.  I'm tentatively eliminating the Orbi and modem (in bridge mode) from being the issue.

Is there a setting in the R2 that I should look at?  I've turn off congestion control and don't see whatelse I should be looking for.

Help please?

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How did you disable Congestion Control exactly? You should do it through the :menu menu icon on the Congestion Control panel and that disable the entire page. Try disabling the protections on the WAN page as well and see if that helps.

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