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R2 and Destiny 2 PS4


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Hey guys,

Having a big problem getting beaver and rabbit errors when using the Geofilter in Destiny. I never had the issue with the R1 with DumaOS and it always seemed to run perfect with no errors. All the settings are the same and its set to strict mode off and port forwarding is set up correctly but no avail. Only difference I can see is are the Destiny profiles differing in the R2 - I've noticed when setting up the recommended game mode it states Destiny 2 PC? 

Any help would be amazing. Thanks in advance!

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Hi Wally,

We will look into the Destiny 2 profile again.

For now, please delete the current profile for Destiny. Click 'add-device' and select your console as normal, however this time select 'Choose manually'. This should solve your problems for the moment.

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Thanks guys! I've been watching the geo-filter when beaver errors occur and taken screenshots. It seems like it is constantly pinging something ( and (unknown) outside of the geo-filter locations. It seems I'm not getting beavered that much any more since doing polygon mode around these spots.Are there some servers that may have been added recently or missed?

R2 D2.jpg

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3 hours ago, Wally said:

Thanks guys! I've been watching the geo-filter when beaver errors occur and taken screenshots. It seems like it is constantly pinging something ( and (unknown) outside of the geo-filter locations. It seems I'm not getting beavered that much any more since doing polygon mode around these spots.Are there some servers that may have been added recently or missed?

Both are possibilities. See how long it works for like that as there may be more that would be needed and let us know please if you wouldn't mind.

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So the ping in africa that I was getting before has to be the playstation network (The one that is unknown or unnamed). It used to ping in Central NSW (pictured inside the geo-filter) however, has the IP range moved to africa? There is no way when I ping the African thing that we have 45ms ping to it. Did something weird happen with the most recent PS update to accidentally move the PSN IP range?


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6 hours ago, Wally said:

So the ping in africa that I was getting before has to be the playstation network (The one that is unknown or unnamed). It used to ping in Central NSW (pictured inside the geo-filter) however, has the IP range moved to africa? There is no way when I ping the African thing that we have 45ms ping to it. Did something weird happen with the most recent PS update to accidentally move the PSN IP range?

IP ranges get sold/bought all the time and will move all over the world which is part of the reason why it is quite difficult to get them correctly Geo-located. If it is the PS Network then it doesn't matter where that appears as long as it is allowed.

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