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ethernet IP invalided


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So I got this this afternoon, It has to do something with my R2 since I just got the R2 yesterday and hooked up last night and played for a few hours. I never got it with mr R1, xr500 or xr700. It wouldnt let me into certain websites however I could get into some. My pc was also telling me I wasnt online even thought I was online play call of duty. I follow some steps to clear out things on my PC in case that was it according to the website but nothing worked. I ended up factory resetting my R2 and everything is working fine. Anyone else have this happen yet? or anyone knows what might have caused that?

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1 hour ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Glad you managed to get it fixed. Could just be initial trouble to establish a connection with the upstream modem/router. Please let us know if it happens again and we can try to debug it.

no I dont think so....I think with the upstreams I made speedtest change servers from 45 mins from to to like 30...on the different server it gave me my normal speeds...its strange. As for the ethernet ip invalided ...some websites opened...others said I was offline...even my PC said I was offline yet my ps4 was online showing friends..haha....it has been running fine all day today. So the factory reset on the R2 fixed something.

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