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XR700 Keeps Disconnecting.

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Hi Duma, 

Since Friday, the XR700 Reboot's on multiple occasions for no reason. its on the latest firmware V1.0.1.24. Everytime i stream about 10 minutes later the router just reboots, and now i have packet loss on hop 1.I have changed all the Ethernet cables for brand new ones. I have even tried a different modem to see if that was the problem and still the same outcome? XR700 just disconnects. 

When i use the internet as normal its fine, but when it get like saturated its cuts out?

Any idea's? ive done a factory reset, changed all the cables. ive even done a fresh windows install. Just out of ideas now.  



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Are you plugged directly into the wall or an extender? 

Are you using QoS at all for when it is saturated and does that make a difference? I'd recommend reinstalling the firmware using TFTP that will bypass any issues during boot and then do a reset to get the freshest install possible.


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33 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Are you plugged directly into the wall or an extender? 

Are you using QoS at all for when it is saturated and does that make a difference? I'd recommend reinstalling the firmware using TFTP that will bypass any issues during boot and then do a reset to get the freshest install possible.


i'm using a brand new 15 metre Ethernet cable from the BT Hub into the XR700 and i will try this. 

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10 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

I mean the power is it direct to a wall outlet or extender? To get the best experience the XR should handle all the QoS and the devices otherwise there could be some conflicts.

power on router id straight into the wall sorry. and there is no way i can disable QoS on the business router ive looked. and reinstalled the latest firmware again but still getting packet loss. Even with me trying a new router/modem. if i disconnect the XR700 i get no packet loss at all. 


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yes the router just reboots, so far its holding out! no drops whilst streaming the windows install may of fixed the problem! will keep an update over the next couple of days

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