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Hybrid VPN Fatal Error - Please Help

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OS: Widows 10 Pro (1909)

Model: NETGEAR XR5000

Firmware: V2.3.2.56

DumaOS Name: A7Legit

Error: /dumaos/apps/usr/com.netdumasoftware.hybridvpn/openvpn-event.lua openvpndown 3 tun0 1500 1553 init
openvpn-event.lua: bad argument #3 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)


Comments: I've started to have issues with my hybrid vpn setup.  I am using an OpenVPN configuration file from VyprVPN.  The VPN connects fine once I enter the the configuration details, so it's not an authentication issue.  The VyprVPN dashboard also shows connected with an active connection, can I can verify the VPN traffic with my VPN provider as connected and active.  However after a couple of hours the Hybrid VPN shows that it has failed to connect.  I can disable/enable the VPN and then it shows a successful connection again, but after a couple of hours it shows disconnected again.  I checked the Hybrid VPN logs (attached) and it ends with a fatal error after a warning.





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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Thanks for the log file. Keep in mind I'm not a developer but seems as though some new settings were imported while you were connected which required restarting of the VPN, Hybrid tried to do this but failed. Could you provide the config you're using please? Maybe there is something there we can adjust.

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@Netduma Fraser - thanks for the reply.

Sure, i'll attach the config file i'm using right now. 

For background, I'm not changing any settings anywhere in DumaOS when it happens, i'm not even connected to the web control interface when it happens.  So whatever is triggering any new settings to be imported is not coming from me.

USA - San Francisco.ovpn

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