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Thanks a lot, I can see that it is on hold for some reason. I will pass it onto our team who will call DHL on your behalf and find out what the hold up is. That will have to be on Monday as they are closed today. We will comment back once we have some more information. Otherwise if you check the email and it is from the official DHL email then I would recommend proceeding with that as it will be quicker.

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Any updates? I got another email this morning stating its still on hold and I’m not comfortable sending my passport like that. If it’s possible I can pick it up at a local office and give it to them personally, but I never experienced this before. Did anyone else have to go through this??

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Guest Killhippie
20 minutes ago, Ali said:

Any updates? I got another email this morning stating its still on hold and I’m not comfortable sending my passport like that. If it’s possible I can pick it up at a local office and give it to them personally, but I never experienced this before. Did anyone else have to go through this??

Ive had to provide my passport before, not on the R2 though. With another comany they wanted a scan of the passport not the actual passport though. Call them and ask why.

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I called DHL and a representative said they were in contact with you guys. They said the package failed inspection but no mention of wanting my passport or anything. I don’t want to send anyone my passport information and get my identity stolen. Is it possible to go to a DHL here and give them what they need in person? 

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  • Administrators

Did you ask about the passport and if you can go there in person? Once it's left us and is with DHL there is a limited amount of information we have to hand as it's then between you and them. I'll see if we've got an update from them.

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I called them yesterday and was on hold for approximately an hour before I finally got to speak with someone, then was told someone was going to contact me which never happened. I finally called again today and they said i can't go there in person, at this point its upsetting that I have to go through this while people have already received and are enjoying their router. I've been patient enough and would like my refund. 

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14 minutes ago, Ali said:

I called them yesterday and was on hold for approximately an hour before I finally got to speak with someone, then was told someone was going to contact me which never happened. I finally called again today and they said i can't go there in person, at this point its upsetting that I have to go through this while people have already received and are enjoying their router. I've been patient enough and would like my refund. 

Did they give you a delivery date and did they explain why you can’t collect, was covid  preventing this as it’s still a problem world wide.

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  • Administrators

Did you confirm with them then that they required your passport? As that is all it will take to release the router to you by the sounds of it. If you don't want to do that and would like a refund then please email [email protected] with your order number and a link to this topic as we'll need to arrange for the router to be sent back to us.

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