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Connecting to USA servers from uk on ps4

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I’ve noticed that I’m connecting to servers in California USA when logging into my psn profile and when playing a game but I’m in Uk with region set as uk how could this be? I’ve tried strict mode ping assist and still lets me join I can’t even deny the server 


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Hey, welcome to the forum!

It appears to be whitelisted but hard to tell if there is a normal allowed server underneath it. Could you try it and be on the actual Geo-Filter page and provide a new screenshot please?

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Hi Fraser thanks for the reply I don’t understand I’m on the geo filter page do you want me to zoom in for better view? Sorry I’m not very technical I’ve attached new screenshots and if you need anything else let me know please 



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Sorry Fraser I apolgise I understand what you mean now that screen shot I originally took was yesterday when I will have had allowed servers in the area but since then I have reset my router the 2nd screen shot of the server was only 1 hour ago with no allowed or denied servers 

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I have no pc at the moment and that is not a specific game server that is my psn server without any games started, I’m wondering if everyone connects to that psn server regardless of location? And i found if I auto ping host I can quickly deny it but then if I connect again it pings me to same location on another server 

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Why are there none closer to me? Most of the times I can’t Hear freinds and they can’t hear me, I don’t want to be pinging anywhere too far out the country never ins the us, they must have severe closer, how do I go about forcing the PS4 to connect to server closer to me? I deny 1 server in California and then another pops up do I need to just keep denying to then it will move on?

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In that case it's absolutely fine, it is whitelisted because without it you would not be able to connect to PSN. It doesn't need to be close as it's just to authenticate you. For friends you need to add them to your allow list so that your Geo-Filter settings don't block them. I would not recommend trying to disable the servers with solid white circles around them. Start up the game and it will get a game within your radius.

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Oh ok I’ll take off my tin foil hat as thought I was pinging to server in USA and then back here to a fifa server which was cause for my massive button delay as been impossible to play since April I’ve tried everything and only slight normality I get is when I play with people in USA but if I play with anyone from Uk then it’s literally impossible to play it has my head fried I think I may have to give up my love for gaming 

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