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Two devices with same IP

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Under my device manager i've got two devices with the same IP.

One of them is a IP camera so as a result the records are stopping and starting.

The other is a TV, I have tried deleting from device manager page but because they are 'online' it won't let me do that.

I have turned off and pull the ethernet connection out of the TV yet it still wont allow me to delete it.

Neither appear in my address reservation list.


Any ideas?



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Ive had this happen before.. What I did was power off the router for about 5 mins then powered it back up. Once it was fully powered back up I was able to delete the device from device manager.. Give that a try and see how that works for you.. Cant say it will work for you but it did for me.. Make sure though that the device your trying to delete isnt connected to the router when powering it back up..

Good luck!


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As above if you reboot the router that will enable you to remove them. It's likely they are in the reservation list but are not named the same so double check the IP and then you can apply a reservation.

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