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Xr700 acces point setup Qos

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So I recently bought the xr700 and absolutely loved it !! But there was one downside .. the WiFi didn’t reach everywhere in the home so I bought both the netgear ex7700 and the ex8000 range extender and tried to set this up als an extender but the results where horrible even in the device manager i now get multiple unnamed devices and multiple ip adresses assigned to my devices and even when the extender was in range and the light was solid white which means the setup is the best possible , THE results where poor .. also when using it as an extender one 5ghz band is used to setup a connection with the xr700 router (dedicated backhaul) but there is one downside .. 1st information needs to be send from the xr700 to the extender , the extender then reads all of the information and needs to send it back to the xr700 => DELAY !! Our worst enemy when it comes to gaming soooo I setup the range extender as an acces point , my setup is like this xr700=> gigabit switch -> main pc


then from the Same gigabit switch A LAN cable goes to my ex8000 , there a LAN cable goes to my ps4 

then from the ex8000 another LAN cable goes to the ex7700 (second extender in ap mode) 


then when I go to device manager both the ex7700 and the ex8000 are shown and given an ip adres bacause they are connected with the xr700 using a LAN cable , as it should be!! I also reserved an ip adres for both of them so this never changes => static ip 


the one thing I’m struggling with is the fact that now both ex7700 and ex8000 are listed in de Qos pentagram and I’m stuck here .. should I give all my bandwith to the ex7700 and ex8000 because al my WiFi devices And LAN connected devices are connected with the ex7700 and ex8000 Both through WiFi or LAN 


just a reminder only my main pc is connected through LAN directly after the xr700 router all the rest is connected behind THE ex7700 or the ex8000 ! 

and these are my internetspeeds : 1000mb/s download and 40mb/s upload 


NOTE !! If anyone else suggests another way To setup my internet that is better or faster or can give me better results in ping etc. Please let me know 

I currently have al my connected devices set equally in Qos ! 

the only strange thing is that the ex8000 (better than the ex7700) that way only has 240 mb/s download and 39mb/s upload while the ex7700 gives me 500mb/s download and 39mb/s upload 

NOTE !! The ex8000 connects my PlayStation through LAN and my tv through WiFi 

my ex7700 only had one tv connected through WiFi , no other devices 


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Hey, welcome to the forum!

I would recommend leaving Bandwidth Allocation default with share excess enabled, that way any devices that need more bandwidth than you think they might need can get it if it is available.

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