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Modern Warfare ping 60-900 while Phone is on Facetime.

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Hi guys.

I am getting serious lag spike when my missus is on facetime upstairs. I have my PC hard wired, and have QOS set up to give my PC 30% of Down and Upstream. I also have set it to 'When high priority traffic is detected'. My speed is 45 down and 15 up (Plusnet), so facetime shouldn't be causing this much of an issue. 

As soon as she gets on a call, my ping shoots from 15-20ms right up to about 8-900ms. The only reason i got the XR300 was to stop this problem. 

Any ideas guys?

TiA SaTaN1976

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What percentage are you using for Anti-Bufferbloat? What is your physical setup i.e. what is the R1 plugged into and is that using modem, bridge or DMZ? Does that modem/router have WiFi that is used?

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It's possible it could be to do with PPPoE but lets put a pin in that for the moment. On the top left of the Bandwidth Allocation panel is a 3 line button, click that to open the menu and you can disable it there. You will need to open the menu and toggle it when you switch to download/upload - basically they have a button each for this only viewable when you're on that particular option if that makes sense. Add your PC with the console service to Traffic Prioritization - do this first and see if there is a difference without disabling share excess.

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Ok, I have tried putting my PC into Traffic Prioritization, and no difference. So I tried the bandwidth allocation and that made no difference. I have put up an image of the data transfer rates. It seemed strange that her phone was using so much upload, so I did a facetime call from my phone. (TBS) and it was no where near the data being used by hers. 

lag spike.jpg

lag spike.jpg

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Did you try just audio only and she is using video? Could you just do a test please to see if QoS is working properly:

  1. Disable QoS completely from the Anti-Bufferbloat menu
  2. Do a speedtest.net test (preferably when no one is using the internet) and note down the results
  3. Re-enable QoS and use 'Always' with 50% set for both download and upload
  4. Do a speedtest.net test (preferably when no one is using the internet) and note down the results

What do you get? You should be expecting around 22.5 down/7.5up for the second test based on your expected speeds

Also, just to double check, have you put your expected speeds in the Bandwidth settings in the Anti-Bufferbloat menu?

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The two test results are below. everything looks ok to me. But the 3rd image is two iPhone 6's phones on facetime to people outside the household. As you can see, Katie's phone is using way more than Tyler's phone. which is the device causing huge lag spikes. it is using a steady 2.6mbps on upload, whereas Tyler's is only using about 0.6mbps.

test 1.jpg

test 2.jpg

lag spike.jpg


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