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Faulty XR500?

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So lately i have been having issue with my connection, it has been dropping out pretty much every 5 hours and sometimes just won't reconnect after resetting it. I called my ISP today since the only way i can use the connection is with my ISP Modem between the Line and XR500. The ISP Modem is in bridge mode and has been checked by the ISP for faulty issue's but they can't see anything.. The did send me a new cable for the line so i could try that out but i think there is a issue with my XR500.. Every single time i disconnect from the internet i could normally still login in to my XR500 but since a couple of weeks it won't let me login.. Every single time it disconnects i wanne check the XR500 but the IP isn't working it just tells me there is no connection to the web browser.. Before i could login in to the XR500 even if the connection was lost.. All the lights on the XR500 are white except for the internet one, it just blinks red..


Could it be that my XR500 is faulty? or is it normal that i won't be able to login as soon as my connection drops?

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The fact that the internet port of the router is showing as red indicates it has lost connection to the modem itself. I would suggest taking the ISP hub out of bridge mode so it is in router mode, then use the WAN IP of the XR and put that in the DMZ of the ISP hub. Do you then have a connection that is sustained?

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Guest Killhippie
On 5/26/2020 at 8:24 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

The fact that the internet port of the router is showing as red indicates it has lost connection to the modem itself. I would suggest taking the ISP hub out of bridge mode so it is in router mode, then use the WAN IP of the XR and put that in the DMZ of the ISP hub. Do you then have a connection that is sustained?

If the icon for the modem was dynamic this would be so much easier... It also could be a WAN port failure. Connections to modems do not have to be this complicated, its plug and play 90% of the time  (picking that number out of thin air by the way it could be 99.9% for all I know)

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