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XR700 R-Apps not loading

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Hello Duma Team,

I recently upgraded to the XR700 Netgear router, and the R-Apps are not loading when i log into the router.

I read numerous posts on the Netgear website, but none of those fixes work, it keeps reverting to not working.

I am currently on the V1.0.1.20 Firmware. Looks to be a common problem amongst XR700 users.


Please help.


Thank you,



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Hi. I have relocated this post to the correct section of the forum as a 1v1 support is only when Netduma ask you to post there. You could try downgrading to .10 firmware version or see if there is a beta version available. Netduma will respond as soon as they can but as it is the weekend and also the current disruption it maybe monday before a response.

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