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Reactive or Preemptive - Congestion Control

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Guest Netduma Fraser

Preemptive is for speeds below 60 and reactive is for speeds above 60. So I'd recommend reactive for you if you really want that extra 6mbps. 

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In my testing on my 6mb down 1mb up adsl LLU line is that reactive keeps mine and my sons pc's pings right down when downloading surfing etc at 70% to 90% still low pings and no spikes where as preemtive tends to have high spikes every now and then and not as low ping.


I was totaly amazed after all i had read saying to use preemtive for my connection.

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In my testing on my 6mb down 1mb up adsl LLU line is that reactive keeps mine and my sons pc's pings right down when downloading surfing etc at 70% to 90% still low pings and no spikes where as preemtive tends to have high spikes every now and then and not as low ping.


I was totaly amazed after all i had read saying to use preemtive for my connection.

That sounds like it should be other way around. Pre-emptive the Netduma team have their own algorithms at work to help out with congestion control

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I have tried lots of different settings 70% on both 80% 50% etc and reactive works outs best for me with lower over all pings while somebodys is dl'ing and no spikes , so i am happy with it just letting you know :)

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Oh whichever you prefer thats why we gave you the option. Its a bit odd, if you like I can help investigate but if you're happy with reactive keep it :)

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I know it should not work that way but yeah reactive has an over all better effect on lowering my pings , and yes i am more than happy with it 20ms pings when watching hd youtube and browsing is super fast while downloads are running.


I used to use cfosspeed on our machines for something similar but that is long gone now , your flood protection out does it by miles :)

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  • 1 year later...

i have really good speeds but i'm unsure of my best settings. they seemed to best at the very start before i tinkered with stuff after following the net duma best settings guide. i'm not saying they're wrong but maybe i played around too much. any advice? 

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i have really good speeds but i'm unsure of my best settings. they seemed to best at the very start before i tinkered with stuff after following the net duma best settings guide. i'm not saying they're wrong but maybe i played around too much. any advice? 


Hey, welcome to the forum! This is a very old thread. Please post your question/issue in General Support after reading the pinned post. 


I will now close this thread.

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