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Strict mode question

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I primarily play Destiny 2 on PS4. I saw you recommend strict mode off for D2.

What is the difference between being in spectate mode vs filter mode with strict mode off?

If it can allow connections outside my circle, it is not clear to me what benefit I'm getting.


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Strict mode blocks dedicated servers, which is what you want to happen when Geo-Filtering in virtually every game. But Destiny is networked in a weird way. Other players that you are blocking can be routed via a dedicated server, which if you then block can cause the game to not load. So we recommend that for destiny you disable strict mode. The geo-filter will still be very powerful, and you won’t find your search regularly disrupted. 

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On 4/12/2020 at 5:20 PM, Rocket said:

Thank you for the reply.

Do you recommend ping assist on or off for Destiny?

If it's going to use a dedicated server exclusively then I would say to have it on but if it uses P2P exclusively then I would suggest off. If you notice you're always getting servers which is likely then you could keep this enabled.

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