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XR300, PS4 and Destiny 2

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Ok , this is about the Geo-Filter implementation on the XR300. I read all the forum posts everywhere and came to the conclusion many people think its broken on the XR300 and working on the XR500 specifically for Destiny 2.

So I set out to prove it (or not).

The filter works as expected on the original XR300 factory release , it can and does correctly deny all connections. It is however a buggy release and will crash and break the filter if you breath on it.

Every other release of the firmware is broken and will not deny connections. From my observations , some module is breaking on the XR300 geofilter.  However without any meaningful logging interface on the router where this is happening I do not know. Connections are made that do not appear on the Geofilter , this doesn't happen with the original firmware.

Doing the same tests on the XR500 reveals that it correctly geofilters with destiny 2.

I have spent 5-6 days testing this to destruction , is there any hope for the XR300 with Destiny 2 or is my only choice to buy the XR500/700  ?

Some sort of meaningful answer would be appreciated 



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It does appear to be buggy , but I'm confused as to why. Its basically just a lower powered CPU , the question is , if the firmware for XR500 works , why was a bug ridden version produced for the XR300 and can I get my money back ? 



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What are you playing Destiny on as we have identified issues with it on PC so we need to retest the game. Could you provide a screenshot of what you're seeing on the Geo-Filter please and then I can best advise.

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Fraser , as it says in the topic , I am speaking specifically about the XR300 , Destiny 2 and the Playstation 4 , not PC.

The filter on PC is broken because Bungie implemented Steam Sockets on PC , it hides IP addresses to prevent the DDOS attacks that infest the steam community.

My problem is with the XR300 implementation of Geofilter which only works correctly with the original firmware build. This will deny connections as expected for quite long periods of time until it appears to crash and start allowing connections that should be denied.

My test is as follows , I set the circle in a place where there are no possible connections and start up destiny matchmaking , the original software will deny all connections and the deny icons will appear on the geofilter as expected , this would be great and I would be happy with the filter in this state except that it seems to bug out and start allowing connections in fairly short order. 

I can't provide you with screenshots because when the filter is broken , no icons are shown for the rogue connections , it matchmakes and shows neither allowed icons or denied icons.

With all later versions of the software , the filter does not work at all , no matter what the settings , whatever is on the screen , matchmaking will occur as if there is no filtering is going on. 

I'd be happy to do a 1 on 1 to demonstrate the problem. From tomorrow I will be able to do a direct comparison between the XR300 and XR500 which may allow me to further isolate the problem 




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It stops showing hosts completely while you're in a game and it has been working correctly? Try this please:

  1. Hard turn off the console
  2. Delete the device from the Geo-Filter
  3. Give the PS4 a static/reserved IP in LAN Settings
  4. Flush the cloud in the Geo-Filter Map options
  5. Setup the filter how you want
  6. Boot the console
  7. Do a speed test in the console network settings
  8. Boot the game and see if it works.
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Fraser , I have literally followed every guide , every previous advice posted. I have even changed router, gone to bridge mode on my VDSL router. 

The router can be made to work , using the original firmware , but it fails randomly and once failed it stays failed until I reset and re-setup (as in your list) , there is no consistency. I have an XR500 now, which I will be trying this weekend. I think I will be able to provide more info on what is wrong with the XR300.


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Guest Killhippie
On 4/6/2020 at 9:18 PM, Malt said:

It does appear to be buggy , but I'm confused as to why. Its basically just a lower powered CPU , the question is , if the firmware for XR500 works , why was a bug ridden version produced for the XR300 and can I get my money back ? 


It’s a Broadcom CPU which is a completely different CodeBase to the XR500 Qualcomm CPU. Different CPU different drivers etc. Be thankful Netgear didn’t base it on the R6700v2 which had a MediaTek CPU. The XR300 is basically a Netgear R6700v3 

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1 hour ago, Killhippie said:

It’s a Broadcom CPU which is a completely different CodeBase to the XR500 Qualcomm CPU. Different CPU different drivers etc. Be thankful Netgear didn’t base it on the R6700v2 which had a MediaTek CPU. The XR300 is basically a Netgear R6700v3 

Thanks Killhippie that was the answer I was looking for , my bad for not checking the specs more carefully.

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Guest Killhippie
1 hour ago, Malt said:

Thanks Killhippie that was the answer I was looking for , my bad for not checking the specs more carefully.

No worries I myself prefer Qualcomm as they have I think better drivers and a great OpenWRT community, Broadcom are pretty closed off.

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Fraser , yes , the XR500 works flawlessly. It does what the XR300 can do with the original firmware.

To paraphrase:

XR500 works perfectly out of the box.

XR300 the Geo-Filter fails with every version of the firmware , but at least the original firmware works as expectd before falling over.

Any other version of the XR300 firmware does not geo-gilter at all. It allows connections that are not displayed in the geo-filter.

If I can do any tests for you I am happy to.


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So basically buying the XR300 to geo filter in Destiny 2 is pointless. If I’m reading this correctly your router will eventually bug out and no geo filter properly even with the original firmware? And if you want it to start geo filtering properly again you’ll have to factory reset it back to the original firmware and restart the process over again? And with the XR500 this is not the case and it works smoothly and consistently blocking and allowing connections correctly without any crashes or bugs?

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10 hours ago, Malt said:

Fraser , yes , the XR500 works flawlessly. It does what the XR300 can do with the original firmware.

To paraphrase:

XR500 works perfectly out of the box.

XR300 the Geo-Filter fails with every version of the firmware , but at least the original firmware works as expectd before falling over.

Any other version of the XR300 firmware does not geo-gilter at all. It allows connections that are not displayed in the geo-filter.

If I can do any tests for you I am happy to.

Okay thank you for confirming, could you produce a small video of the process so we can see it in real time if possible? I can then pass that on to the developers.

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@ZachG Yes that is correct at this time, I expect that now the bug is exposed Netduma will be able to fix it , as I said it can work with the original firmware. Reliability is the issue.

@Netduma Fraser I will try and make some videos this weekend 

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