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Rainbow Six Siege - on 2 PS4's

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Both my wife and I are playing Rainbow Six Siege on 2 PS4's.  QoS settings are on, with the PS4's taking priority.  Anti-buffbloat settings are set at 70/70 for only when high-traffic is detected.  Port-forwarding is also on for both machines.  My wife's ping in-game will randomly spike into the thousands, and she'll get kicked from the game...while mine stays perfectly fine.  She wants me to return the router, but the Amazon return window has closed.  Are there any settings that I can adjust that will keep her ping from randomly spiking so high and getting kicked?  It makes no sense, because it doesn't happen to me.

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Port forwarding to two machines might be part of the problem, the same port cannot be forwarded to two seperate machines. You will need to rely on UPnP if you're using multiple machines at once, or you could put one of them in DMZ.

Could you give me an idea of your network layout? Are your PS4's connected via ethernet or wifi? Are they connected directly to the XR500 or through an access point?

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Thank you for your prompt reply Sir!

One PS4 is connected via ethernet cable (CAT 6), via a powerline adapter;  the other is connected via wifi, and is close enough in range to use the 5 Ghz band.  UPnP was turned off for security.  For the port forwarding, the port numbers were incremented for the 2nd PS4, so they don't overlap (though not sure if that would make any actual difference in-game).  The router is connected to a router supplied by Cox, which I put in bridge mode, so that everything runs off the XR500.  For my internet package, the internet speeds are 300 MB down, and 30 MB up.

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Powerline adapter run using the wiring in your home, if that isn't very new then it could cause issues like this as well as degraded internet speed so if it's using that then I would suggest switching to using the 2.4GHz WiFi and see if there is an improvement. If it's the one using 5GHz then I would suggest using 2.4GHz as it can be more stable for gaming. Try these suggestions first and we can come back to ports should it still be an issue.

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1 hour ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Hey, welcome to the forum!

Powerline adapter run using the wiring in your home, if that isn't very new then it could cause issues like this as well as degraded internet speed so if it's using that then I would suggest switching to using the 2.4GHz WiFi and see if there is an improvement. If it's the one using 5GHz then I would suggest using 2.4GHz as it can be more stable for gaming. Try these suggestions first and we can come back to ports should it still be an issue.

Yeah, the one that got kicked was the one on the wifi;  she's not connecting directly to the 5 Ghz band;  both bands have the same SSID name, so we're letting the router control which one to use for her.  For now I've removed port-forwarding, and turned on UPnP (though I'd rather not)...but have not yet been able to test under the same conditions.  The last time that the issue happened, it happened repeatedly that night, and looking back, it appears that our daughter was playing League of Legends on a PC at the same time we were both using our PS4's.  If the traffic prioritization was on for "DumaOS classified games", as well as both PS4's (both added manually to traffic prioritization), could that cause an issue? 

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I don't think that would have caused the issue, potentially what happened was that the band switched while gaming which caused the disconnect. Turn off smart connect and connect to one of the bands manually and see if the issue stops.

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