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New XR300 - Whole Network has terrible performance

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Good evening eveyone. 

Just installed a brand new XR300 to replace an aging AC1900 that was dropping Wifi connections. Unfortunately, the performance has been terrible and I'm hoping I can get some help.

For reference, I am testing on my wired PC. Noticed major issues playing Rocket League where I normally had a steady ping ~40ms. After installing the XR300, I now get spikes which last for several seconds of 900ms. To isolate the router, I connected straight from my PC to the modem. No high ping whatsoever and steady 40's. Also, to make sure it wasn't just their servers, I ran a ping test to one of my personal AWS servers. When Rocket League lagged, the pings to AWS would reflect it. Almost like all my traffic is bottlenecked at times even though I'm no where near exhausting my bandwidth. As a side note, all devices on the network are experiencing terrible performance as well. Wired or Wireless. Netflix / Youtube buffers, slow page loads, etc. Right now, I'm watching my ping running up to 200-300ms for 5 or 6 requests every 10-15 seconds or so. Straight to the modem, it never goes over 19ms. Nothing else is on the network. 

Tried QoS on and off / disabled. Anti-Bufferbloat on/off. DMZ'd my PC. Set my allocation to 80%. Disabled all other network devices. Any other tips? I'm losing my mind here trying to see what would slow down packets so much. Any direction or assistance is greatly appreciated.


(Just occurred to me to ping the modem through the router. There's something strange going on. 1ms pings for 3-4 requests then 180ms -220ms for another 2-3 then back again.) 


Thank you

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Your last line indicates that there could be a problem with the ethernet cable connecting the router to the modem, do you have another one you could swap it with and redo the test? Have you entered the speeds you expect in the Anti-Bufferbloat options menu? No other devices whatsoever are connected to the XR router? What is your physical setup exactly? 

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I'm sorry. It was late and I should've been more specific. I replaced both Ethernet cables (modem to router, router to PC). Anti-bloat was set to speed test results during set-up, then I adjusted slightly to my current expected bandwidth. After posting last night I reverted the firmware to to see if that was the cause, still have the problem.

Right now my physical set-up is simply modem to router /  router to PC. All wired. No other devices are connected. Wifi is turned off. I also ran tests on my other PC, wired as well with no other devices. Same exact issue. Pings through the router show a huge spike in latency every few packets. Connected straight to the modem is consistent with no spikes.

The only other thing I noticed was the CPU usage on the device. Sits at 100% for quite a while on both cores. Is that normal?

Thank you for your help Fraser!


EDIT: Forgot to mention I set my PC to DMZ on the XR300 to test it. Also set the XR300 as DMZ on the Modem. No change.

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What is the model of your modem? As you mention it has a DMZ function it is a modem/router, do you have devices using that modem/router WiFi instead? Does it have QoS at all that you've disabled? Could you do a ping to the XR itself and see if there are any high results?

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Modem: Zyxel C3000Z - Wifi disabled and the only device connected is the XR300. QoS disabled. 

Pinging the XR300 gives me consistent sub 1ms pings. Out of 100 packets, 0% Loss, Max was 12ms on one packet.

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I had tried that earlier when I switched ethernet cables. No luck.

I did just try something with a bit of success. I placed my C3000Z into Transparent Bridge mode and connected the XR300 through the WAN port. Current tests are actually stable and as expected. I'm confused since this really only disables DHCP from the modem right? Regardless, it seems to be working properly for now. Thank you very much for all your help!

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fraser buona sera ho un problema....ho messo in cascata il router in ppoe dal modem tim che ho avuto dall isp,il problema è che con speed test il ping è 21 e va bene ma quando gioco noto piu latenza si quando giocavo col modem che con l xr300!mi sapreste aiutare?grazie ho messo solo la ps4 collegata nessun altro dispositivo

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9 minutes ago, Roxio said:

fraser buona sera ho un problema....ho messo in cascata il router in ppoe dal modem tim che ho avuto dall isp,il problema è che con speed test il ping è 21 e va bene ma quando gioco noto piu latenza si quando giocavo col modem che con l xr300!mi sapreste aiutare?grazie ho messo solo la ps4 collegata nessun altro dispositivo

Quindi stai vivendo più latenza con l'XR300 che senza di essa? Stai usando il filtro geografico? A quale gioco stai giocando e stai vivendo la latenza


So are you experiencing more latency with the XR300 than without it? Are you using geographic filter? What game are you playing and experiencing latency

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no Alex niente filtro geografico per ora, sto giocando con fifa 20! ma mi accorgo che è meno scattante con l xr300! naturalmente facendo uno speed test Wi-Fi con il telefono la connessione e il ping sono perfetti

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23 hours ago, Roxio said:

no Alex niente filtro geografico per ora, sto giocando con fifa 20! ma mi accorgo che è meno scattante con l xr300! naturalmente facendo uno speed test Wi-Fi con il telefono la connessione e il ping sono perfetti

Non giocare tramite WiFi se puoi aiutarlo, otterrai sempre prestazioni migliori quando giochi tramite Ethernet. Ti consiglierei di utilizzare il filtro geografico per il gioco, utilizzare il profilo FIFA sul filtro geografico. Stai usando QoS?
Don't play via WiFi if you can help it, you'll always get better performance when you play via ethernet. I would recommend you use the Geo-Filter for the game, use the FIFA profile on the Geo-Filter. Are you using QoS? 

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14 minutes ago, Roxio said:

uso il cavo ethernet,sempre,si lascio i parametri per fifa col geofiltro e ho disabilitato il qos usando solo la ps4 ma noto sempre Lag e delay

Suggerirei di utilizzare ancora QoS, anche se altri dispositivi sono collegati al router ma non vengono utilizzati, possono comunque eseguire aggiornamenti in background che possono causare problemi. TUTTI i dispositivi sono collegati al router?
I would suggest you still use QoS as even if other devices are connected to the router but not being used they can still do background updates that can cause issues. Are ALL devices connected to the router?

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Rimuovi quella regola, che ti darà un effetto peggiore. Abilita DumaOS Classified Games, non è necessario aggiungere una regola manuale. Stai usando Anti-Bufferbloat?
Remove that rule, that will give you a worse affect. Enable DumaOS Classified Games, no need to add a manual rule. Are you using Anti-Bufferbloat?

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ok ho rimosso la regola e fatto come dici tu! si l ho impostato al 70%però la spia rossa non si accende piu fissa;sto giocando ma sento ancora dei lag!ricorda che Fifa non c è nel duma Classified

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Poiché si tratta di una console che si accenderà a prescindere e la rileverà, non analizzerà i pacchetti nello specifico come se fosse un gioco per PC. I pacchetti dovrebbero salire costantemente, succede?
As it is a console it will come on regardless and detect it, it won't be analysing packets as specifically as if it were a PC game. The packets should go up steadily, does that happen?

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ok ho rimosso la regola e fatto come dici tu! si l ho impostato al 70%però la spia rossa non si accende piu fissa;sto giocando ma sento ancora dei lag!ricorda che Fifa non c è nel duma Classified....non riconosce piu la priorita

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È una console su cui stai giocando, quindi avrà la priorità. Le differenze nei pacchetti non ci sono, sta funzionando. Ti suggerirei di seguire questa guida mentre usi Internet il più possibile con download / stream e modifica le percentuali di Anti-Bufferbloat fino a quando non ne trovi una che abbassa il ping / lo mantiene il più stabile possibile.
It is a console that you're playing on so it will be prioritized. The differences in packets there is fine, it is working. I would suggest you follow this guide while using the internet as much as possible with downloads/streams and change your Anti-Bufferbloat percentages until you find one that lowers the ping/keeps it as stable as possible.


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Disabilita DumaOS Classified Games quindi e aggiungilo invece con il servizio console e vedi se funziona meglio allora.
Disable DumaOS Classified Games then and add it instead with the console service and see if it works better then.

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Sfortunatamente penso che questo potrebbe essere il bug noto relativo alla prioritizzazione del traffico, quindi non penso che sia qualcosa che sarai in grado di risolvere. Questo è qualcosa che dovremo risolvere e quindi verrà ordinato per DumaOS 3.0.
Unfortunately I think this may be the known bug relating to Traffic Prioritization so I don't think it is something you'll be able to resolve. This is something we'll have to fix and so will be sorted for DumaOS 3.0.

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