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XR700 and NordVPN

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Hello everyone,


I would like to try NordVPN with the XR700 because HMA and PureVPN are absolutely horrible at the router level for me (Max I can achieve is 30/20). Desktop client gets 100/42 with PureVPN app on desktop, but I would like to have a better speed at the router level with my consoles. I was recently DDoSed while live on Mixer 3 days in a row (already changed my IP) and want to make sure I cover my bases.

I see the openvpn setting in advanced, but I have no idea where to begin.


Thank you in advance!

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you need the openvpn config details and also the certificate. I am sure on their site they say they support netduma and Netgear routers in their support pages. That will guide you through the setup process.

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You can also find more information on how to do this here: http://support.netduma.com/support/solutions/articles/16000087492--dumaos-optimal-settings-guide-hybrid-vpn

However, you may not get much faster speeds through the router. However, the good thing about the Hybrid VPN is that you can specify the applications/services you want the VPN to apply to. For example you could VPN a game on your PC while letting everything else on your PC run at full speeds so you're still protected but you don't hinder other applications/services. Keep in mind that if you are being DDoSed that they may be getting your IP from elsewhere, e.g Skype.

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