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Several issues - R-App Fails to Load, Web UI locks up, and drops all clients from Wifi.

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I'm new to the forum in search of a long term solution for my XR700.
I've had it just for over a month and have some issues I can't seem to get any sort of long term resolution to outside of rebooting the router.

Issue 1)  R-App has failed to load...please wait a minute.
Since setup, about once or twice a week I get this message popping up on the web UI.  This affects the dashboard, Geo-Filter, QOS and device manager tabs where they won't load.
I've seen some issues on occasion where there is a lua error about a string gmatch issue as well.  

Issue 2) All wifi devices get dropped from the router, and when I try to login to the web UI for the router it seems like it locked up.  I get the "waiting on 192.168....." in the browser.  I let it spin for about 10 minutes and the UI never successfully loads.  

Based on my experience above, a reboot has been the only way to get the router UI functional and responsive.  

I will note that wired devices do not seem to be impacted by anything when this happens, NOR wifi devices as long as they don't get dropped from the network.

I'm running V1.0.1.20.  I've tried downgrading to V1.0.1.10 and it hasn't helped.  A few days go by and things are fine then the issues present themselves.
I've called netgear support today (2/2/2020) and we changed some wifi channels around and unchecked the smart connect to see if the wifi issues will be resolved, so we'll see there.

One thing I would like added as a feature is the ability to log all duma os log settings to an attached USB drive.  I think it would be really valuable to be able to go into a log historically and provide them to support to better assist with issues like these.  It seems now if I'm not looking at the log when issues occur then things get truncated and lost to the void.

I will also add that when I upgraded to, the web UI still says there is an update available and the new version is V. (same that's installed).
I've backed up my settings and did a factory reset then re-applied by settings via the web UI, and the issues above still persist intermittently.

If anyone has any other suggestions for thing for me to try I'm all ears.  I can provide information where applicable.
I've added a few screenshots and some info from one of the logs (in the zip) that I was lucky enough to capture.  I'm not sure if it's helpful or not.

Thank you for your time and I appreciate your help.






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Welcome to the forum!

For issue one, we have a hotfix patch available. I will send this to you in a private message after i've posted this.

Not sure about the second error, but it could be related. Try out the hotfix patch I send, and see how you get on.

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