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Can’t connect to WiFi with SN

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I was following the guide and got stuck where it mentioned to go to “WiFi settings” then go to “Netduma R1” then I put the serial number into the password field and it tells me invalid password. What do I do?

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the password is the same as the ssid which is netdumar1 Please let us know if you need any further assistance.



I have moved this post to another section of the forum as this does not warrant a 1v1 support.  

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connect a laptop or a pc to the R1 with an ethernet cable and access the router by typing into your web browser (preferably Chrome) and hit enter. That should launch you into the R1 GUI and allow you to manually alter the wifi SSID and password.

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

You mentioned going to WiFi settings, are you doing this on the router or the WiFi list on your device? The easiest solution would be the above suggestion so you can change the password to what you want.

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