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XR500 cod blackout issues

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Hi there I’ve been having hard time finding games on blackout dedicated servers on the east coast, strict mode , auto ping etc, flushed cloud  , I’m set up in a DMZ off my main modem is there any settings caused between the  modem n router that I should look at that’s possible causing me problems??? I don’t understand how it was working correctly then stopped, it’s been hit or miss so much it’s actually frustrating considering the money I spent on it.


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Hey, welcome to the forum!

If the PC version is anything to go by then the game population may not be as big as it once was, especially with MW. How wide do you have your radius set? We usually recommend at least 1000km. Have you tried any other servers around the middle of the country to see if you get games faster?

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I’m within the parameters, it’s only been recently it’s started, it’s ps4, I’ve tried and I find games, just the ping is insane...... sometimes when I reboot I get a game right away on the easy coast servers then when try another match it’s searching forever 

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So it could be that your ping is so high that it's preventing you from getting a game, potentially a local congestion issue. What is the average ping you're getting and are you measuring it through the Geo-Filter or in the game? Are you using QoS and if so what settings are you using there?

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On east coast servers within search area I get 50-60 ms, outside it varies,  I’ve tried lot qos settings, and finally turned it off, and found games quicker if that makes any sense, there is only two of us in my household bandwidth isn’t a issue.

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Bandwidth can still be an issue even if there are two of you, it depends what speeds you have, what are they? If you're on the east coast that is fairly high if that is measured through the Geo-Filter. Have you done any port forwarding or any other changes on the XR?

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