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I reconnected it

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Ok, I decided to give the xr500 another go after giving up on it previously. My reasoning, I got a new ISP, a new internet type (HFC) and a new modem. I set it up and today and I have to admit, I am impressed. Speeds are great, bufferbloat is great and everything seems stable. It is a totally different router than before.

I think this thing is extremely sensitive to the modem used. I was getting packet loss, bad connection, terrible gaming lag, bad bufferbloat etc. Horrible experience. 

 I guess the moral of the story is: if this thing isn't working for you, it is probably the modem or your ISP. 


I am sorry to the Netduma crew for giving them stick about this thing. We will see how it goes over time. Fingers crossed

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That is great to hear and thank you for giving it another go and updating us on your experience. Out of interest what was your previous ISP/modem and what is the new ISP/modem being used? No need to apologise!

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5 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

That is great to hear and thank you for giving it another go and updating us on your experience. Out of interest what was your previous ISP/modem and what is the new ISP/modem being used? No need to apologise!

Hi Fraser, the new modem is an Arris CM8200 and the old one was a, wait for it, a Netgear CM450 cable adaptor. I am not kidding. The only other change that could be the difference is the ISP...

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Thanks for letting us know, we'll keep that in mind should anyone else encounter issues we can't quite solve. As far as I can see the Arris is a lot newer, router/modems can degrade over time so perhaps the NG CM degraded.

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