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Total noob questions about XR500 and VPN

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Sorry for the stupid questions but you guys all seem helpfulness.

Right now we have a Nighthawk AC1900 D7000.  It works fine but I want to get the XR500 to use it with IPvanish.  I think I've got the idea on how to install it but I wanted to clarify a few things.  Is it true that I can set it up so only a few devices use the VPN?  I'd really only like the TV and the Firesticks to use it for when we're streaming on Kodi.  Can I also have my Sonos speaker use the VPN so I can use Pandora?  It's not available in Australia anymore and when I enable the VPN on my phone, I can't connect to the Sonos anymore. I'm hoping by enabling it on the router itself that this will fix that problem.

Also another dumb question. The one we have now is a combination router/modem. I've never actually set up a router only. Can I use our existing D7000 as the modem only and plug the XR500 into it?  Or will it work just as well to use one of the cheap modems we have from our ISP?

Thanks for any help you can offer me.

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You can assign devices to your VPN. So for example set up your firestick to go through VPN and your PC directly connected to the internet.


Be aware there is an issue with DNS leaks though, I had issues getting netflix to work with my VPN because of this.


As for the D7000, you can do it both ways really. Either use the modem from your ISP. Or you use the D7000, switch off the wifi system and set the XR500 in DMZ. I would probably go with the ISP's modem though and go straight into the XR500. You have less connection issues etc when you eliminate 1 router from the process. 

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Hey, welcome to the forum and Happy Holidays!

Sounds like you've got your answers already but just to reiterate yes you can apply the VPN to specific devices. If your Sonos speaker connects to WiFi then it could be VPN'd. You could do either or, use one as a modem and then plug the XR500 into it. Using a modem is the best setup really.

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