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Don't know if this was brought up before

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But maybe there could be a feature where you can have the ability that when you mess with bandwidth allocation you can set a device to have like a pinned number on it & when you put bandwidth on other devices it takes away from everything else you don't have pinned for example lets say I put 8% on my XB1 & pin it it'll never try to pull the 8 & will only have to work with the 92 from other devices left over 

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O ok cause I find it a bit tedious to have like a bunch of devices hooked up into the modem & like every time I adjust the parameters I have to like rearrange everything & I don't have the patience for that haha so I just have my wifi accessible devices signed into my gateway & my XB1 & PS4 into the duma but yeah I think when this comes out it'll be a great addition for the modem honestly :)

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