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Halo MCC PC Geo Filter profile?

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Was wondering if this was in the works or could be even be done? I've always used the geo filter for Xbox MCC to keep me from connecting to the East US 2 servers but on PC there is currently no way of filtering connections. Any info on this would be appreciated. 

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For the time being i'd recommend setting your PC as a console in the Device Manager. Now when you add it to Geo-Filter, with any luck it will work straight away with Halo MCC.

If it doesn't, then clearly we've got a little bit of work to do on our end. Let us know!

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15 hours ago, Netduma Alex said:

Welcome to the forum!

For the time being i'd recommend setting your PC as a console in the Device Manager. Now when you add it to Geo-Filter, with any luck it will work straight away with Halo MCC.

If it doesn't, then clearly we've got a little bit of work to do on our end. Let us know!

Wow cant believe I didn't think to do that. Made that switch and have played 6 games straight now on the servers I want. Thank you!

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