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Servers on Pro Evolution Soccer

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Hi there guys,

Following your recommendations on Twitter, I am opening a thread here where you can hopefully help me out.

As i was explaining I bought router XR500 mainly for playing Pro Evolution Soccer competitively since ive been having problems for a long time.

I have a pretty good connection at home, with 600/600 and under 15 ping. However, playing PES, there were days my games were super fast and others super slow. Even against same player. It would depend on the day. I thought this had to do with the server I was connecting to that day.

I live in Spain, so my guess was that if games felt really smooth was because i was at a Spanish servers. Days it was so slow and unresponsive maybe i was coneccted to servers in Germany, France or other countries.

So that's the reason I bought the Netgear Nighthawk, so i could GEO filter and always connect to the best servers.

The problem i find is that it only shows me an authentication server in Japan. I have never seen any "local" servers anywhere.

Even if game is P2P it needs servers, and for sure there has to be some in Europe. Is there a way to figures this out?

Thanks in advance for all the help and support.


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Welcome to the forum, also nice World of Final Fantasy profile pic!

If you don't mind i'm going to ask some questions that might help me figure this one out:

  • What console/device are you playing on?
  • Does anything appear on the map apart from the authentication server?
  • Do you have Ping Assist turned on?
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1 hour ago, Netduma Alex said:

Welcome to the forum, also nice World of Final Fantasy profile pic!

If you don't mind i'm going to ask some questions that might help me figure this one out:

  • What console/device are you playing on?
  • Does anything appear on the map apart from the authentication server?
  • Do you have Ping Assist turned on?

I love Final Fantasy, glad you like the Chocobo :)

Sure, no problem at all. 

  • PlayStation 4 PRO
  • As for servers only the one in Japan. When I start matchmaking I start seeing the player icons (check image). BTW why are some player icons bigger?
  • Yes, but have been trying disabling it too, as well as changing ping values.

Thanks for your help Alex



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Hi Ferran - I think I may have an idea what is happening here. Looking at that first image, the server in Japan is being allowed by you to bypass the Geo-Filter. This is either because:

Now looking at your second image, you have allowed players/servers inside your range. The largest icon is the host of your game - I think Pro Evo is often P2P, which means either you or your opponent hosts the game.

You can ignore the fact the Japanese authentication server is allowed - it has to be to allowed to even play the game. It is not actually hosting your game, so don't worry about that.

So to summarise, set Ping Assist back to 0ms and see if you get a more consistent experience. 

Cool avatar btw :)

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