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WORKAROUND: Login not working on Chrome Version 77

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On the latest version of Chrome (77.0.3865.75) we have identified an issue where users may have trouble logging into their Netgear Nighthawk Pro Gaming router. This affects the XR300, XR450, XR500 and XR700, it does not affect users of the Netduma R1.


A workaround for this issue has been found:

Paste the following address into your Chrome address bar and press enter: chrome://flags/#http-auth-committed-interstitials

Change the highlighted setting to Disabled and press Relaunch Now

Now you should be able to log in as normal again


There's a Netgear knowledge base article about it here: https://kb.netgear.com/000061261/Google-Chrome-77-is-blocking-access-to-NETGEAR-login-pages-what-do-I-do

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