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Pingplotter Test


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Hi been playing around with pingplotter today as you can see with the sliders set to 55% down and 55% up which look good was taken this morning. But when I tried it again the picture labeled  55% 55% test got packet loss and is not stable but this was taken later on in the day any idea why. Also all the other tests where taken this morning except the picture labeled 55% 55% test 






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Considering the variance on the graphs for the same target it could be variances on their end or it could be to do with peak times for your ISP. I would try with Google.com and also try doing it in quiet times say late in the evening and see how the plots differ.

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If I get it more stable with a different percentage later on about 12 clock when the network as gone quiet won't it change again when the network gets busy seems pointless if that is the case lol might as well leave it at 70% 🤔 

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