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Adding friends to allow list change

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I was thinking about this today, the majority of people have a dynamic IP.

Our team of friends have to re add each other to the allow list a lot because of a dropped line or say  a modem reboot.

If we could have two geo circles one for the filtering and one for friends so we can cover say the German dedi with the filtering circle and cover the UK with the allow to connect circle. The allow to connect circle only allowing for peer connections and black lists dedis.

Another thought was if we could select filtering areas, say the UK by clicking on the map and the UK light up, then maybe click France and Germany and they light up to, instead of a circle geo.

That way if we like a dedi in southern Europe also we can miss out country's so the filtering is not as restrictive.

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  • Administrators

That's an interesting idea, it seems a bit excessive in my opinion for the problem. I could also foresee a lot of issues in P2P games or if there are misclassified servers appearing as peers. The other is an offshoot of something that's been requested before and is on our roadmap.

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17 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

That's an interesting idea, it seems a bit excessive in my opinion for the problem. I could also foresee a lot of issues in P2P games or if there are misclassified servers appearing as peers. The other is an offshoot of something that's been requested before and is on our roadmap.

It was an idea for dedi games only.

OK then if we can allow (for dedi games only on a dedicated server profile a wild card system for IP ranges) Then no dedis would be allowed as the wild card would be the first two sections 86.234 say of a range of IP from and ISP that my friends IP always starts with say.

This wouldn't cause an issue with P2P because it is a dedi based profile and you are only wild carding your friends ISP range.

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