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A simples Wireless AP with built in access control?


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Does such a thing exist?

I would like a wireless AP that I can log into and set up an access schedule for, but I'm not sure this is technically possible, can anyone help? The Ubiquiti stuff looks like it might do it, but it looks like I need more than a simple AP.

I want to automatically turn off the wifi for my children's connected devices at, say, 11:00 pm weekdays and 1:00 am weekends, but I want the wifi still available for other devices.

I could do this on my BT Home Hub, but obviously not now the R1 is connected which controls all the devices now. I can turn off the internet to the R1 at set times via the BT HH access control, but that doesn't help if I want to finish watching something on a tablet a little later than the children's' cut off time.

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You can buy another router ( a cheap one will do) and set it up with it's own subnet and thus giving you it's own network. You can then set up it's wifi as usual and access it at any time. This is how I have mine configured for my kids, I am able to limit, control, disable and schedule without impacting my main network.

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