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Geo filter & Hybrid VPN issues


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Using the geo filter in fut champs on xbox, I've noticed that it doesn't seem to work regularly. 

For example today I was searching for games and no matter what I set my ping to it would still connect me to an opponent, even when I set my location  to US only i was still getting matched on the European servers.

Is there any quick fix for this? Or any known reason why this happens?

Also I'm trying to setup a hybrid VPN, I have a subscription to IPVanish but I have no idea how to set it up on my router. I put my login details on the advanced settings but then I don't know what to put in the final box (can't remember what it's called) but I read something about entering an openvpn config whatever that means.

I couldn't find anything to do with open VPN on ip vanish other than a port number. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated:)

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Can you provide a full screenshot of your Geo-Filter page please when this happens?

Yes that's right you need the OpenVPN configs, you can find them here: https://www.ipvanish.com/software/configs/

You need the .ovpn file of the server you want to connect to and the .crt file. Open them in a text editor and then put them in the VPN Hybrid Advanced box like this:

Contents of ovpn file


Contents of .crt file


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