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Bufferbloat spikes xr500

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With bufferbloat set on 70% download and upload using dsl reports im getting crazy ping spikes throughout the test. Maybe 2-3 times on download and around 4 upload where it spikes to 1500+ then back to 8 or so. 

Same settings on my previous Asus Gtac5300 never moved from under 10ms on this test. 


Is this a netgear hardware issue? Or the type of packet scheduling it uses. Using latest firmware 

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3 hours ago, Glenjamin88 said:

With bufferbloat set on 70% download and upload using dsl reports im getting crazy ping spikes throughout the test. Maybe 2-3 times on download and around 4 upload where it spikes to 1500+ then back to 8 or so. 

Same settings on my previous Asus Gtac5300 never moved from under 10ms on this test. 


Is this a netgear hardware issue? Or the type of packet scheduling it uses. Using latest firmware 

Do you have the bufferbloat set to "Always" or "When high priority traffic detected" or "never". If you have set it to never, then thats a given that it wont work at all. If you have it set to "when high priority traffic detected" then its only going to work when a high priority device is running. Meaning that, if you have your console on, the CC is on. When your console is off, so to is the CC. I prefer to set it to always. Another reason that might happen is the speeds arent correctly set in the little three line tab, If its still set to the default 1000/1000 then itll act up as well. Make sure to check all that stuff. Again if you want constant congestion control and the least spikes, always use "Always". I like it even if I lose some speed because web pages are so much snappier, the way a connection SHOULD feel at all times, thats why we pay for high speed right? 

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Great advice above. This guide will also help make sure you set everything up correctly on QoS: http://support.netduma.com/support/solutions/articles/16000077073-dumaos-optimal-settings-guide-qos


If it continues, could you run a PingPlotter test as that’s the most accurate way of seeing what’s going on: http://forum.netduma.com/topic/23881-ping-plotter-quick-guide/

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Bufferbloat is set to always when using dls test and I've got it set normally on when high traffic is detected. Speeds are put in correctly after around 10 speed test runs to get it perfect. Bufferbloat is also set at 70% for both in test and still have massive spikes 

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  1. Could you take a screenshot of your QoS page so we can check settings look ok please?
  2. Do you have anything connected to your modem directly (other than your XR500)? For example, a laptop connected wirelessly to your modem?
  3. Could you run this test just to see quality of your line and share your results. http://forum.netduma.com/topic/23881-ping-plotter-quick-guide/


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