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Double Nat with sky


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Just got the sky and I have double nat problems on xbox

in the sky q hub I have turn off wireless and added dmz and I have added Use Router as DHCP Server am I missing anything?

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2 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

You need to put the WAN IP of the router in it's DMZ not the IP you access the router interface with. You can find the WAN IP in System Information. That should get you an Open NAT.

no still doesn't work

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Whats your exact physical setup? WAN IP is now in DMZ correct? What does the NAT status say on the Xbox network settings? Are you using UPnP or Port forwarding on the router? Which router are you using also? R1 w/ original firmware, R1 w/DumaOS, XR500 or XR700?

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32 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Whats your exact physical setup? WAN IP is now in DMZ correct? What does the NAT status say on the Xbox network settings? Are you using UPnP or Port forwarding on the router? Which router are you using also? R1 w/ original firmware, R1 w/DumaOS, XR500 or XR700?

I have XR500 in the sky hub dmz

upnp off in sky hub

Wifi off

Nat Type moderate / Double Nat dectected

I'm not using any port forwarding




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Doesn't really make sense that you've got a double NAT in that scenario. Do you have any other routers in your setup? Have you rebooted the Xbox since making these changes? If not you need to do so especially after the DMZ. If still doesn't work put the console in the XR500 DMZ

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3 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Doesn't really make sense that you've got a double NAT in that scenario. Do you have any other routers in your setup? Have you rebooted the Xbox since making these changes? If not you need to do so especially after the DMZ. If still doesn't work put the console in the XR500 DMZ

Yes it works now after I reset the xbox thanks for the help

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