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  • Netduma Staff
10 hours ago, mikehd said:

On the WAN>Network settings, I see MTU setting which is off by default. I'm on DSL, do I need to set this to 1492 or will it automatically adjust MTU because of my PPOE  configuration?

I believe this should auto-configure, but the easiest way to tell if your MTU is causing any issues is to run a Pingplotter test and see if you're getting any packet loss. If you are (on the final hop) then you should probably set your MTU manually :) 

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Short answer - what does your ISP recommend.

Noreason to doubt auto wouldn't work.

I'm on FTTC with Pppoe through Plusnet and advice was to set to 1492.

I set it on the wan and leave everything behind it on auto.



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My ISP recommends 1492 as the MTU. What isn't clear is the functionality of the MTU switch. My question was whether I had to enable it by sliding the switch from grey to red then input 1492, or was the off or grey position the same as auto mode or was the off or grey position truly off.

I enabled the MTU switch,, input 1492, hit save, and couldn't connect to any web pages.

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There isn't an off switch as you must haves MTU setting.

The switch is auto or manual. In auto you can't enter and save the MTU. In manual you can.

I'm not in front of GUI but from memory switch to red to manually enter

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