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Friends netduma r1


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sometimes that happen, but is easy to fiz that.

open your radios radar, disable strick mode, ping assist bar to 50ms,
dont lunch any game, and create a chat party in ps4 menu, 
invite your friend, and take a look in the map, it show your friend ( red circule ) , select that circle ( is your friend ), go down put the bar above 80% to add your friend in alow list, and clik in update.

restart system and its done

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  • Netduma Staff
9 hours ago, KURT NEWSOME said:

My friend just got his r1 and on the geo filter it shows me in the wrong State (U.S.A) I live in Kentucky but it shows me in Oklahoma and I can't get in his chat or game lobby why is it show me in wrong state

Hi, welcome to the forum! Just to describe what's happening here - every server or peer (like you or your friend) are part of our cloud database. Sometimes, servers or peers can be shown in the wrong location on the map. It's pretty rare for this to be the case with peers.

Let me know whether you or your friend are using DumaOS. If you are, just click on each other and make sure to click 'allow' to make sure the Geo-Filter isn't blocking you.

If you guys are playing together, only one of you (the party leader) should have the Geo-Filter enabled. It makes no sense for the other player to use the Geo-Filter as well, and that can result in matchmaking issues.

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