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Actually enjoying Blops 4


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Hi all, ive read a lot of posts all over the inter web that are slating blops 4. but im actually enjoying the game more Than the last 3 offerings. I play hc Tom most of the time and its playing great, I die when I should by sneaky camping girls and people die when I shoot them. its great. Im sure there is an update coming out soon that will change it all but for the minute the game plays great. Had a few problems getting games with the geo filter on on a few occasions but now it seems fine. happy days y'all. 

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I love it, apart from the way it deals with laggy enemies - it doesn't make any difference in HC game modes (I do the headshot challenges in HC) so you're probably not suffering from it too much.

I can provide hundreds of clips if anyone doesn't know what I mean.

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I'm also enjoying the game more than the past iterations after Black Ops 2.  I too am noticing laggy enemies to the point where it reminds me of the COD 4 days.  People running in place then I'm killed.  Makes me wonder why I'm able to see the lag in killcams now than in the past.

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1 hour ago, EffinFancy said:

I'm also enjoying the game more than the past iterations after Black Ops 2.  I too am noticing laggy enemies to the point where it reminds me of the COD 4 days.  People running in place then I'm killed.  Makes me wonder why I'm able to see the lag in killcams now than in the past.

Black Ops 4 doesn't seem to be properly smoothing (interpolating?) the animation on a laggy enemy - you can literally see the updates to the server of where the enemy is.

If they have a lot of packet loss (I assume it's packet loss), they freeze on the spot, the server doesn't know where they are - when the server finds out, the enemy launches across to their new location. Sometimes they'll just stutter along and judder about for the entire game, I guess this is an enemy with jitter but I don't really know. This game shows so many different kinds of lag, they even seem to have invented entirely new ways to lag.

What I do know...
This isn't normal, it's shit. Treyarch need to do something to smooth this mess out because some enemies are just unplayable. Sure, we've had laggers in all CoDs, always have some matches worse than others, sometimes you'd see someone skip every so often, sometimes you'd see a bad one where they'd often teleport a big distance, we always expect it. But in this game it's spectacular, it seems to be half the people in the lobby, in virtually every game, they just shudder when they get near you, like they're on one of those fat-shaking machines at the gym, some people only seems to show 1 in 10 frames of animation FFS. It's ridiculous.

Everyone needs to record clips of the enemies that teleport / skip / stutter and spam Treyarch + Activision Assist + David Vondehaar with them. If we keep showing them clips where enemies are lagging badly, but where we aren't lagging at all, then they might actually start to take notice and look into this.

But people need to stop sending them the "I shot him first" clips - it's just normal that that will happen sometimes in a fast paced game, we know it, they know it, and they will just ignore those as 'boohoo salty'. Those clips will potentially even weaken the message that there's a lag problem.

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